Android Studio Project Android Studio Lint

Basic Information
Software cost
Software license
Apache License 2.0
Supported operating systems
Windows, Mac, Linux
Process Integration
Deployment model
Workstation, CI Server
Display results in IDE
Android Studio
Live analysis & feedback while coding in IDE
Android Studio
CI Integration
Supported programming languages
Java, Kotlin, XML
Claimed Weakness Coverage
Claimed Weakness Coverage information hasn't been collected yet for this analyzer.
Really want it? Let us know.
Checker Customization
Checker Customization information hasn't been collected yet for this analyzer.
Really want it? Let us know.
Speed & Scalability
Speed & Scalability information hasn't been collected yet for this analyzer.
Really want it? Let us know.
Results Quality
Provides explanation of warning
Provides severity of warning
Provides confidence information about warning
Reporting information hasn't been collected yet for this analyzer.
Really want it? Let us know.
Support information hasn't been collected yet for this analyzer.
Really want it? Let us know.